== Description ==
[WordPress Prevent Directory Access] access provides the easiest way to protect WordPress files from public users so that your private files will be kept safe from the public and can be accessed only by **WordPress logged-in** users or users. Your *videos*, *ebooks*, *PDFs*, *other important files*, etc., can be **protected under your custom folder* so that data is protected from getting stolen.
Users can create the custom folder from plugin settings and manually upload the files they want to protect.
== Installation ==
1.) Upload the prevent-directory-access folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2.) Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3.) That’s it!
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Can I prevent access to any particular folder? =
No. You can prevent access to only your custom folder which will be created under the plugin settings.
= Is there a limit on the number of files that can be protected?
No. You can protect unlimited files.
=Why should I use this plugin? =
This plugin provides you with directory and file protection access from the public. This is useful who can to protect his files under any course like LMS.
= Can I customize the plugin according to my needs? =
Please email us at codekoshdev@gmail.com or Contact us. You can also submit your query from the plugin\’s configuration page.